Online Resources
Professional Developmental Resources
Resources from American Kidney Fund
Identifying and Supporting Patients with CKD-Assocuated Pruritus
Many patients with CKD experience pruritus (itching) daily, with a significant impact on quality of life. The cause of CKD-related pruritus remains unclear. There are many treatments being employed in an attempt to ameliorate itching, including topical and systemic therapy and non-pharmacologic therapy, but most lack data to support their use. However, there are promising agents in development. View the course.
Hepatitis C and Chronic Kidney Disease: Building the Connection
This free, online course designed for nurses and other health care professionals, provides prevention strategies and other resources that address the associated health risks of co-morbid Hepatitis C and chronic kidney disease. View the course.
Helping New Patients Adjust to Dialysis (CE Credits)
This course is designed for renal health care professionals who work with patients that are new to dialysis. All course takers are responsible for contacting individual accrediting agencies to confirm acceptance of the credits offered for this course.View the course.