Legislative Chair
Bob Loeper is currently the Vice President of Operations Support Business Continuity/ Disaster Response for Fresenius Medical Care North America. During his 30+ years in the renal industry Bob has managed dialysis facilities as a Regional VP for Fresenius in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and Puerto Rico. Bob also is the FMCNA Incident Commander for Disaster Response where he leads several Incident Command teams and coordinates disaster training and response efforts. He served as the President of FreseniusRx 2009 to 2012. He was the President of the Florida Renal Association (FRA) from 2005 to 2012 as well as the Executive Director of the Florida Renal Coalition (FRC) during this time. He now serves the FRA Board as the Legislative Chair. Accomplishments of the FRC under his leadership include increasing the Florida Medicaid ESRD reimbursement for outpatient dialysis facilities, established a CKD/ESRD Advisory Committee with the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration, obtained direct outpatient reimbursement for renal IV pharmaceuticals and helped secure legislation to allow Medi-gap coverage for all Florida Medicare beneficiaries under age 65. Bob also served on the Board of the FMQAI: Florida ESRD Network and on the Board of the National Kidney Foundation of Florida (NKFF) and received the NKFF President’s Award in 2006 and become a NKFF Honorary Trustee in 2007. Bob is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University with a BS in Healthcare Administration and earned his MBA from Georgia State University and is certified Project Management Professional.